my lockdown exercise walks, as I seek to avoid other people’s germs wafting in
my face, I’ve been spending a little more time than usual looking down and, in
the process, especially during urban walks, I’ve been taking more notice of
these ...
I’m not entirely sure what to call them: utility cover plates? manhole covers
(though not all are man-sized)? utility access points? inspection chamber covers?
drain covers? drainage grates?
I see many of those I have photographed have the
word ‘ductile’ on their surfaces so has the industry that manufactures these cover
plates adopted this word to identify their products? If so, it has done this in
error as ductile is an adjective describing the pliability of metal. Perhaps
they have conflated the two words ‘duct' and 'tile’?
I suppose
these plates can actually have a variety of names, depending on their functions
and whether they relate to storm water or other water drainage, sewers,
electricity, gas or telecommunications. I have lumped together a wide variety
of those I have found in this blog but, if I were to attempt a more detailed
examination, I would need to separate them out in to their respective
functions. I’m not sure I’m quite that motivated by these items but I am very
impressed with some of their designs.